Tuesday 8 December 2015

அவசர அழைப்புக்கு ஜிப்மர் உதவக் காத்திருக்கிறது ...




Under the leadership of Dr. S.C. Parija, Director, JIPMER, JIPMER has developed

24X7 Help line in Casualty for patients requiring Emergency Tele-Consultations. He said

that a team of Senior and Junior Doctor is given a Smartphone to attend any telephonic

call of a patient requiring emergency consultation. Doctor on duty will guide the patient

telephonically for immediate First Aid possible at the patient end to relive the distress of

the patient. If patient’s distress is relived then patient may be asked to come next day in

the concerned outpatient department advised by the Casualty Doctor. In case the distress

is not relieved, then patient is asked to come to the casualty of JIPMER as soon as

possible. Casualty Doctor will guide the patient mode of transportation, where to report

in the casualty of JIPMER, what all formalities will be done in JIPMER, whether old

records to be brought or not etc. In case of distance being very far from JIPMER Casualty

then Casualty Doctor may guide patient where to and which hospital to go nearby his/her

residence. Casualty Doctor on duty will record patient details including Name, Age,

Gender, Address, Contact Telephone Number, Ration care Number, Aadhaar Card

Number, PAN number and whatever relevant possible details available with patient.

He also added that those patients who have internet connection available in their

Mobile, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop, they can talk to JIPMER Casualty Doctor On Duty

by using Free Skype Software downloaded in their system. To call JIPMER through

skype Service the ID is “Casualty Desktop Telemedicine JIPMER” or “Casualty

Mobile Telemedicine JIPMER”. Using this Skype Services patient can see the JIPMER

Doctor and can talk to the doctor Live. Patient can show his/her injuries to the Casualty

Doctor to get the advice. JIPMER strictly advices that General Enquiry will not be

entertained as this will be a hotline for emergency purpose only.

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