Tuesday 8 December 2015

உடல் தானம் - ஜிப்மர் மருத்துவமனையின் ஈராண்டு சாதனை

Second anniversary of Deceased (Cadaver) Donor transplantation program and

felicitation of families of organ donors at JIPMER, Puducherry

                   Making organ transplantation accessible and affordable to the common man has been

a priority for JIPMER.  At present JIPMER is performing transplantation of Eyes, Kidneys

and bone marrow. JIPMER is the process of establishing a liver transplantation program and

a multi-organ transplantation program in the near future.

                  JIPMER has pioneered deceased donor transplantation in Puducherry and was the first

institution to start deceased donor organ harvesting and transplantation in Puducherry. The

first deceased (cadaver) donor organ harvesting and transplantation in Puducherry was

performed on 5th December 2013 at JIPMER. Since then, 19 families have come forward to

voluntarily donate organs of brain dead patients at JIPMER. So far 38 patients have received

kidneys from brain dead donors at JIPMER and 38 patients with blindness have received

corneal transplants from brain dead donors at JIPMER.

                  From January to November 2015, organs and tissues were harvested from 10 brain

dead donors at JIPMER. JIPMER is organizing a function to mark the second anniversary of

Deceased Donor Transplantation Program at JIPMER and to honor the families who came

forward to donate organs of brain dead patients at JIPMER as well as the deceased donor

transplantation team members.

                   JIPMER is providing transplantation operation free of cost to patients.

As of now, 40 patients are waiting for kidney transplantation, 17 Patients for eye

transplantation and 10 patients for bone marrow transplantation at JIPMER.

JIPMER provides option for pledging your organs for transplantation after death; this

can be done online on JIPMER website at: http://jipmer.edu.in/departments/advanced-

centers/transplantation-services/ . Those who are pledging their organs are being issued a

‘Donor Card’ by JIPMER.

                    Since this service was launched in March 2015, 40 individuals have pledged their

organs have been issued donor cards from JIPMER.

                    JIPMER also coordinated with the government of Puducherry, Pondicherry Institute of

Medical Sciences (PIMS) and the Transplantation Authority of Tamil Nadu (TRANSTAN)

in sharing of organs. A liver harvested from a brain dead donor at JIPMER was transplanted

in a patient at Madurai and Heart valves were sent to Chennai. A kidney donated by a brain

dead donor in PIMS was shared with JIPMER where it was transplanted to a patient with

kidney failure.

The JIPMER Deceased Donor Transplantation Committee (JDDTC) supervise the

deceased donor program at JIPMER.

Current status of Transplantation operations at JIPMER:

Corneal transplantation:

JIPMER is having an eye bank and has been performing eye (cornea) transplants since

the year 1997. So far 510 corneal transplantation were performed. In the last two years 74

has been performed at JIPMER since inception of deceased donor program.

Kidney Transplantation:

The kidney transplantation program at JIPMER was started in March 2012 and so far

77 kidney transplantation operations has been performed at JIPMER.

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015

Number of Brain dead donors

donating organs at JIPMER 0 2 7 10

Number of Kidney transplant

Operations performed 9 11 26 31

Bone marrow transplantation:

The bone marrow transplantation program at JIPMER was started in 2014.

JIPMER is the only hospital offering bone marrow transplantation services in Puducherry

and the only government institution offering the treatment in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

Bone marrow transplantation is being offered free of cost and under the Tamil Nadu Chief

Minister’s health insurance scheme at JIPMER.

Bone marrow transplantations performed till now at JIPMER:

Autologous bone marrow transplantation: 36

Allogenic bone marrow transplantation: 06

Ten patients are waiting for bone marrow transplantation at JIPMER at present.

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